Calling in Future You 2024

Stop feeling bad about yourself, learn how to heal your emotional wounds, and uncover your deepest desires — in just four weeks.

  • Are you tired of New Year’s resolutions that end up making you feel bad about yourself?

  • Do you want to start your 2024 full of possibility and GLOW?

  • Do you want to uncover and revive your deepest desires?

  • Do you want to take tangible steps towards being the brightest version of yourself?

  • Do you want to find a community of like-minded self-healers?

Then start the year off RIGHT with…


 Calling In Future You


Through guided live sessions with Tara, daily journaling prompts, take-home exercises, and an entire kick-ass community supporting you over the course of four weeks, you will learn how to:

● Find the brightest parts of you and let them shine

● Uncover your true feelings and learn new methods of coping with them

● Identify and start moving in the direction of Future You - the most evolved version of you

● Move towards the life YOU want to lead

Every Sunday in January: January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th @ 4PT / 7 ET

Every session recorded for replay in case you miss!

This course is practical as f*ck. We will go over real tools that have helped change the lives of The Team Lilies community.

“Life is not a series of crises to be endured, it is to be enjoyed.” -T$



Tara’s workshop has been life changing. I’ve had so many AHA! moments, I’m honestly blown away. With her expert guidance and gentle encouragement, I’ve been able to pinpoint actionable areas of opportunity within my life. I would shout it from the rooftops if I could...take this workshop!”

— Staisha M

“This workshop connected me to like-minded people who support and care about me. More mind-blowingly, it connected me to a part of myself that I’ve been trying to get in touch with for a long, long, time. Instead of searching for a misplaced phone number, I’ve got her on speed dial now.”

— Jamie S

“This workshop gave me the tools and the community to deliberately work on my mental health journey every single day. Tara’s weekly prompts challenged me and taught me so much about myself, my intentions, my values, my dreams, EVERYTHING.”

— Elena O


“In these past weeks, through affirmations, prompts, and journaling, I have uncovered that I actually do love myself, I do want more out of this life, and that taking those baby steps towards my best life is completely within my power!”

—Lisa L

“If it hadn’t been for this course, I wouldn’t have grasped how important journaling is to uncover the hidden issues and obvious joys in my life. The course, journaling prompts, and accountability group have been a powerful combination that have led me to better habits and more peace.”

— Bertha M

“The weekly reset, advice, and guidance that Tara offered helped me not to just ‘go through the motions’ of self-care, but restructured me every week — it felt like the book was brought to life!”

— Christina I


What Do You Get?

  • Four 90-minute LIVE guided workshops with Tara

  • One month of guided journaling prompts

  • Weekly homework and handouts to help you implement what you are learning in session

  • A community there to support you and check in on you as you grow

  • Every session is recorded so if you miss, no biggie!

  • Every Sunday in January: January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th @ 4PT / 7 ET

week-by-week, here’s what we’ll be doing:

Week 1: Start Where You Are/Time Travel

You’ll Learn How To:
- Decide your own values: the filter through which you see the world
- Look back at 2023 and figure out - wtf even happened?
- Uncover your TRUE emotions and set up a journaling practice


Week 2: Own Your Story

You’ll Learn How To:
- Identify what YOU really want out of life
- Unearth and discard tired narratives you are telling yourself
- Create a new story and reality that is in alignment with who you really are


Week Three: Good bye Limiting Beliefs

You’ll Learn How To:
- Break out of Imposter Syndrome
- Turn your negative self-chatter into something positive in your life


Week 4: Calling in Future You

You’ll Learn How To:
- Dig deep and unleash the stardust at your core
- Create a map and image of where you want to go in 2024
- Design a game plan to get there!

A four-week, immersive experience that will leave you feeling good, more connected to your innermost self, and supported by a new community of friends.

Workshop Pricing: Early Bird Special


when you sign up BY November 29

$497 $397!


Or Use My Payment Plan

2 Payments of $199

(First payment due today, second due 30 days after)

No refunds of any kind available at any time. However, if you sign up and are unable to take the workshop, you can get a credit for the next course.



Hi, I’m Tara.

I’m a former VP of Talent and Development at Comedy Central and best-selling author of Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies, my memoir of reparenting myself after a neglected childhood left me with chronic anxiety and depression.

No one knew my struggle tho, I was good at work but bad at life. Everything looked “perfect” on the outside. That is until I hit emotional rock bottom and decided to change my life. I am not a self-help expert, I am not a motivational speaker, I am a person who went through some shit, dealt with it, and emerged with a life I f*cking love. I want to help you do the same because I wish someone had been there for me when I was struggling to learn how to love myself. I hope you will let me be that person for you.

Join The Waitlist!

You’ll be the first to know when we’re planning our next session of the workshop.

XO, Tara

